Thursday, January 31, 2013

My little hero...Shahrul Fathi bin Usman....

OK....previous story i dah citer  about my little i nak story about my little hero lak... Shahrul Fathi...budak yg comel, kuat merajuk, suka kacau orang (especially his sister), suka buat kelakar and naughty gak.... semua perangai ada kat die lah....Now, he was 4 years year will be going to school (tadika)... macam manalah die nanti kan...hehhehe...

Everyday ada je something new thing  yang die nak buat and many questions had been asked to me,his father and his sister....ada je benda die nak tau...but, we love you very much a good boy....

Hi..its me...Fathi....

sukenyer die...chubby...
Now...dah besar...hensem x????

Boboiboy in d house...........

Hi again...

Today nak story about my 2 cute little kids yg almost every month starting october sampailah december sibuk ngan boboiboy yang jual kat petronas tue....mentang2 lah every month ada 2 karakter yg dijual, so every month keep asking me when to buy those characters..... Tapi ibu n ayahnyer pun berkenan gak sebenarnya....Comel sangat.... hehehehe....

boboiboy tanah, gopal (yg kejenyer asyik makan jer) & yaya

Boboiboy angin, ying & boboiboy petir

with their collection...
 So, akhirnye lengkap jugak collection tue...comelkan.... hopefully bertahan lah sampai bila2... nak buat hiasan kat atas almari pun boleh.....Lepas nie x taulah  collection apa lagi yg depa nak kumpul...hehehe...

p/s...dulu ibu suka kumpul kad telefon tue...macam2 gambar dah x tau kat mana skrg nie...