Friday, December 14, 2012

My routine.....

The class had started....It was begin....Rasa2 nya macam baru jer budak2 nie bercuti...Now, the new semester has started... So, the routine is coming back...Sediakan bahan2 nak mengajor, settlekan file (nie yg malas sikit nie....bkn sikit tp banyak...) and macam2 lagilah...For this new semester, i akan mengajar course under UiTM, UTM and UCSA sendiri...Banyak gak kan...So, get ready....Hopefully this new semester will run smoothly.....To all my students, good luck....


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

My lovely Nurul Ain Fatihah....I LOVE U....

OK...Today I nak story about my lovely daughter,Nurul Ain Fatihah... Dalam x sedar, she has completed her Standard 1...Next year, dah nak masuk Standard 2.... Dah besar anak ibu....First day I sent her to school, I'm so worried whether she can adapt the new situation or not....But, Alhamdulillah....At last,I know she can do it well...Meeting new friends, new teachers and new environment...

Peace...School, here I come....1st day school.... sampai...This is my school SJK(C) Yoke Shian
Muka x nampak takut pun...Seronok jer...X nangis pun...

With new friends....Hiiiiiii.......

Alhamdulillah, everything is ok....She's doing very good at school...Got 1st during her exam.....Can speak Mandarin a little now... Can speak in easy conversation....Good luck kakak...Love u so much...

P/s...Next,kite story on her last school day in Standard 1 lak...To be continue...

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Why I always forget something???

Salam n hi again....

Actually, tadi sambil2 bersembang (selingan rancangan) ngan rakan2 seperjuangan....sambil gelak ketawa...suddenly, i remember that my driving licence was expired a day before....So, this morning i am driving without licence ( dah mati...huhuhu)....nasib baik xde pak polisi...

So, terus i pergi JPJ bertemankan one of my friend...nasib baik cepat jer, balik nie boleh drive ngan senang hati....camnelah boleh lupa yek...padahal dari bulan lepas dah minta husband tolong ingatkan...n diri sendiri pun dah ingat....tup...tup...sampai hari kejadian...i forget about it... betullah, manusia mudah lupa...or banyak sangat makan kepala ikan nie....

So, pak polisi n pak JPJ...jangan tahan yer...lesen dah renew sampai 2014.....peringatan untuk diri sendiri, jangan asyik lupa jer yer...

Friday, November 2, 2012

Hi....My first post...

Assalamualaikum & good afternoon...

Macam nak bagi speech lak rasanya...Sekian lamanya, after a few of my friends ask me to create a blog for myself....Now, it's come to reality...This is my blog...My writing....My feeling...and macam2 lagilah...So, this is my first post...And, hopefully this won't be the last...