Wednesday, November 21, 2012

My lovely Nurul Ain Fatihah....I LOVE U....

OK...Today I nak story about my lovely daughter,Nurul Ain Fatihah... Dalam x sedar, she has completed her Standard 1...Next year, dah nak masuk Standard 2.... Dah besar anak ibu....First day I sent her to school, I'm so worried whether she can adapt the new situation or not....But, Alhamdulillah....At last,I know she can do it well...Meeting new friends, new teachers and new environment...

Peace...School, here I come....1st day school.... sampai...This is my school SJK(C) Yoke Shian
Muka x nampak takut pun...Seronok jer...X nangis pun...

With new friends....Hiiiiiii.......

Alhamdulillah, everything is ok....She's doing very good at school...Got 1st during her exam.....Can speak Mandarin a little now... Can speak in easy conversation....Good luck kakak...Love u so much...

P/s...Next,kite story on her last school day in Standard 1 lak...To be continue...

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